Tuesday, 05 March 2019 / Published in Product Updates

Welcome to the March 2019 Cuddly Octopus update! We’ve got a few things to share with you this month, so let’s dive into it!

First, we’ve partnered with Japanese-language learning gurus from kawaiiNihongo to sell a cover of their two mascots. If you’re interested in learning Japanese, these guys have a fun iOS and Android app to help you do so. Feel free to check them out and give them some love for supporting us!

Second, we’re adding a few Monjashop covers to our catalog this month due to popular demand for them. This isn’t the first time we’ve partnered with Monjashop to handle perpetual releases for some of their older designs and it certainly won’t be the last. Check out over here to see all of Monjashop’s designs we stock!

Finally, we’re back and expanding into a new product category with our collaboration with Merryweather. This month, we are launching a trial offering an IE & Chrome-chan poster exclusively on our store (only available to NA and EU customers). Merryweather has been asking for this stuff for several months now, and we’re interesting in seeing how the community reacts to expanding into posters. There’ll be more on our collaboration with Merryweather in the future!

That takes care of most of the special announcements we have. Without further adieu, let’s get into our cover releases

Disclaimer: The lines and octopodes on the sample images are a watermark and won’t be on the printed cover.

You can also view all of the designs from our store in this Imgur album. And, of course, you can purchase all of our designs from our storefront!

The premium P80 2-Way Silkette versions of most covers will be available on Sakura-Palace.

Currently, we can announce the following work is currently in progress:

As always, thank you for your continued support of Cuddly Octopus!

– The Cuddly Octopus Team

Friday, 01 February 2019 / Published in Product Updates


Not much for us to say here this month as operations are running smoothly. That said, it’s a new month! That means we’ve got a heckuva lot of eye candy for you to look over (and maybe throw some money at your screen for, if you feel so inclined).

So this February, we have updated our store with the following 9 designs:

Dakimakura Covers

Disclaimer: The lines and octopodes on the sample images are a watermark and won’t be on the printed cover.

You can also view all of the designs from our store in this Imgur album. And, of course, you can purchase all of our designs from our storefront!

The premium P80 2-Way Silkette versions of most covers will be available on Sakura-Palace.

Currently, we can announce the following work is currently in progress:

As always, thank you for your continued support of Cuddly Octopus!

– The Cuddly Octopus Team

Sunday, 20 January 2019 / Published in Product Updates


Happy New Year, everyone, and welcome to the first Cuddly Octopus update of 2019! We hope you enjoyed last month’s holiday season and are ready for the new year. There isn’t much to say here this month, so we’ll get to the good stuff. This January, we’re updating out storefront with seven new cover designs. Check below for all the new designs making their way onto the store this month.

Orders placed in January are expected to be delayed a little due to Chinese new year.

Dakimakura Covers

Disclaimer: The lines and octopodes on the sample images are a watermark and won’t be on the printed cover.

You can also view all of the designs from our store in this Imgur album. And, of course, you can purchase all of our designs from our storefront!

The premium P80 2-Way Silkette versions of most covers will be available on Sakura-Palace.

As usual, we also have a lot of projects in the pipeline. Right now, we can announce the following work is currently in progress:

Sunday, 20 January 2019 / Published in Product Updates


Happy Holidays, everyone, and welcome to the Cuddly Octopus December 2018 update! ‘Tis the season of giving and our gift to you is a generous helping of new and cuddly companions for you to spend your winter season with and even a festive tapestry to adorn your walls. Perhaps now is the time to pick up your loved ones a silky smooth friend, so they, too, can enjoy the warmth of a dakimakura beneath the bedsheets. And while you’re at it, gift one (or three!) to yourself to endure this chilling winter weather. You wouldn’t want to be left out, too, no?

Regardless, we hope you enjoy our seven new cover designs and single new tapestry. Check below for all the new designs making their way onto the store this month.

Dakimakura Covers


Disclaimer: The lines and octopodes on the sample images are a watermark and won’t be on the printed cover.

You can also view all of the designs from our store in this Imgur album. And, of course, you can purchase all of our designs from our storefront!

The premium P80 2-Way Silkette versions of most covers will be available on Sakura-Palace.

As usual, we also have a lot of projects in the pipeline. Right now, we can announce the following work is currently in progress:

As always, thank you for your continued support of Cuddly Octopus!

– The Cuddly Octopus Team

Tuesday, 06 November 2018 / Published in Product Updates


Welcome to our November 2018 update! Apologies for being a bit late with the update this month, but it’s a fairly light month without much for us to say. With that, we will be adding the following 4 designs to the store!

Dakimakura Covers


Disclaimer: The lines and octopodes on the sample images are a watermark and won’t be on the printed cover.

You can also view all of the designs from our store in this Imgur album. And, of course, you can purchase all of our designs from our storefront!

The premium P80 2-Way Silkette versions of most covers will be available on Sakura-Palace.

As usual, we also have a lot of projects in the pipeline. Right now, we can announce the following work is currently in progress:

  • KyuriTizu will draw Niyah (Xenoblade)
  • shuffle will have a break for Comiket
  • Brora will finish Djeeta (Cygames)
  • Nyatrix will start on Abigail & Lavinia (Fate)
  • Tony Guisado is drawing Washington (Azur Lane)
  • Amo is will start on Cagliostro (Cygames)
  • Bean Sprout will draw Suomi (Girls Frontline)

As always, thank you for your continued support of Cuddly Octopus!

– The Cuddly Octopus Team

Saturday, 06 October 2018 / Published in Product Updates


Welcome to our October 2018 update! We don’t have much to tell this month, so I guess we’ll focus on the showing. With that, we will be adding the following 5 designs to the store!

Dakimakura Covers

Disclaimer: The lines and octopodes on the sample images are a watermark and won’t be on the printed cover.

You can also view all of the designs from our store in this Imgur album. And, of course, you can purchase all of our designs from our storefront!

The premium P80 2-Way Silkette versions of most covers will be available on Sakura-Palace.

While there are several projects in the works, we don’t have a lot to announce to you right now. The few things we can say are…

  • Mythra (Xenoblade 2) by Tony Guisado has been delayed.
  • Icarus is a new artist that will start drawing for us soon! He’s currently going to be making his own casual outfit ver. of Pyra & Mythra (Xenoblade 2).

As always, thank you for your continued support of Cuddly Octopus!

– The Cuddly Octopus Team

Friday, 07 September 2018 / Published in Product Updates


Welcome to our September 2018 update! Last month you may have noticed we had a surprise addition to our shop. We want to formally announce over here now that we’ve partnered up with Merryweather Comics as their official merchandising distributor, helping them sell their latest product—a Nyarla dakimakura cover! If you haven’t seen their web comic series around, you should definitely go check them out! Expect more products coming in the future from our collaboration with Merryweather.

In slightly less awesome news, orders from the July order period are experiencing a bit of a delay. It seems our factory is working through a bit of a backlog, but July orders should be printed now and are undergoing our QC stage. We expect that they should ship soon, within about a week or so.

Onto the fun stuff!

This month, we will be adding the following 7 designs to the store!

Dakimakura Covers


Disclaimer: The lines and octopodes on the sample images are a watermark and won’t be on the printed cover.

You can also view all of the designs from our store in this Imgur album. And, of course, you can purchase all of our designs from our storefront!

The premium P80 2-Way Silkette versions of most covers will be available on Sakura-Palace.

As usual, we also have a lot of projects in the pipeline. Right now, we can announce the following work is currently in progress:

As always, thank you for your continued support of Cuddly Octopus!

Tuesday, 07 August 2018 / Published in Product Updates


Welcome to our August 2018 update! Not a lot to say this month, but please enjoy our new releases! Yeah, that’s about all there is to say for now…

This month, we will be adding the following 7 designs to the store!

Dakimakura Covers

Disclaimer: The lines and octopodes on the sample images are a watermark and won’t be on the printed cover.

You can also view all of the designs from our store in this Imgur album. And, of course, you can purchase all of our designs from our storefront!

The premium P80 2-Way Silkette versions of most covers will be available on Sakura-Palace.

As usual, we also have a lot of projects in the pipeline. Right now, we can announce the following work is currently in progress:

As always, thank you for your continued support of Cuddly Octopus!

– The Cuddly Octopus Team

Sunday, 01 July 2018 / Published in Product Updates


Welcome to our July 2018 update!

First off, we want to appologize for our downtime last month. We had some server issues that managed to take our website down for a couple of days. We’ve taken steps to make sure that any possible downtimes will be minimized in the future. Sorry for any inconvenience our downtime may have caused!

Other than server woes, administratively we don’t have anything to announce this month. Instead, let’s get right into the fun stuff! This month, we will be adding the following 13 designs to the store, along with one new tapestry.

Dakimakura Covers


Disclaimer: The lines and octopodes on the sample images are a watermark and won’t be on the printed cover.

You can also view all of the designs from our store in this Imgur album. And, of course, you can purchase all of our designs from our storefront!

The premium P80 2-Way Silkette versions of most covers will be available on Sakura-Palace.

As usual, we also have a lot of projects in the pipeline. Right now, we can announce the following work is currently in progress:

As always, thank you for your continued support of Cuddly Octopus!

-The Cuddly Octopus Team

Saturday, 02 June 2018 / Published in Product Updates


There isn’t much to go over administratively this month. We will be switching back to UPS for shipping covers to the US. JCEX hands the delivery over to another courier, which means that the tracking numbers were frequently not being updated after the transition. As such, shipping costs have increased slightly to $22 for 1 cover and $29 for 2 or 3 covers. Additionally, due to their incredibly long width, we will need to begin shipping our tapestries separately from cover orders.

As for the fun stuff, this month we will add the following 9 designs to the store.

Disclaimer: The lines and octopodes on the sample images are a watermark and won’t be on the printed cover.

You can also view all of the designs from our store in this Imgur album. And, of course, you can purchase all of our designs from our storefront!

The premium P80 2-Way Roika versions of most covers will be available on Sakura-Palace.

As usual, we also have a lot of projects in the pipeline. Right now, we can announce the following work is currently in progress:

We also should have a new tapestry with some cute cats next month.

As always, thank you for your continued support of Cuddly Octopus!

-The Cuddly Octopus Team