Monthly Batch Order Status

This page will be updated with our monthly order status. Please reference this page for updates on the status of your order. If you have any other questions regarding your order, please e-mail us at support [-at-]

Please note that we are experiencing moderate delays in the fulfillment of orders.

July— Batch #3 July 29th August 10th?
July— Batch #2 July 14th July 28th Open
July— Batch #1 July 7th July 13th Closed
June— Batch #3 June 26 July 6th Closed
June— Batch #2 June 16 June 25 Partially Shipped
June— Batch #1 June 2 June 15 Majority Shipped
May— Batch #2 May 27th June 1 Completed
May— Batch #1 May 18 May 26th Completed
April— Batch #2 April 30 May 17th Completed
April— Batch #1 April 7 April 29 Completed
March— Batch #2 March 21 April 6th Completed
March— Batch #1 March 4 March 20 Completed
February — Batch #1 February 14 March 3 Completed