Cuddly Octopus Update – March 2018


Welcome back to another month and another cuddly update! First, some administrative stuff, we want to give you all a reminder that starting on April 1st, we will be increasing the price of our covers from $55 to $60 per cover. This is the last month that covers will be available for purchase at the reduced rate, so be sure to get your orders in this month if there’s something that you’ve been eyeing!

As for the fun stuff I’m sure you’re all here for, this March we’re updating our site with the following 10 designs:

Disclaimer: The lines and octopodes on the sample images are a watermark and won’t be on the printed cover.

You can also view all of the designs from our store in this Imgur album. And, of course, you can purchase all of our designs from our storefront!

The premium P80 2-Way Roika versions of most covers will be available on Sakura-Palace.

As usual, we also have a lot of projects in the pipeline. Right now, we can announce the following work is currently in progress:

As always, thank you for your continued support of Cuddly Octopus!

– The Cuddly Octopus Team